Project Overview
"Fragmentary" is a psychological thriller feature film that delves into the mind of Ben Sanderson, a man tormented by the violent murder of his wife. As he struggles with grief and the inability to remember what happened on that fateful night, Ben discovers he has the power to travel back in time. With this newfound ability, he attempts to change the past and uncover the truth behind his wife’s death. However, altering the past has unforeseen consequences, leading Ben down a path of confusion and revelation.

The cinematography in "Fragmentary" plays a crucial role in building tension and exploring the film’s themes of memory and reality. Nicholas Price, the Director of Photography, utilized a blend of natural and stylized lighting to reflect the protagonist's inner turmoil. The film makes use of close-ups and disorienting camera angles to immerse the audience in Ben’s fragmented state of mind. The visual style is both gritty and surreal, providing a haunting atmosphere that complements the psychological depth of the story.

Technical Details
The use of time manipulation is enhanced by visual effects that subtly distort the frame, signalling shifts in time and reality. The cinematography effectively supports the narrative's tension, ensuring that each moment is charged with emotion and suspense.

"Fragmentary" stands out for its intricate storytelling and visually compelling approach to the psychological thriller genre. Nicholas Price's cinematographic choices heighten the emotional impact and help convey the film’s themes of grief, memory, and the consequences of trying to alter the past. This film is a testament to Price's ability to create atmospheric and emotionally resonant visuals that engage the audience from start to finish.


Bendy Spoon Productions presents a Jace Pickard film, Fragmentary.
Jace Pickard, Jacinta Moses, Helen Shoobert, Debbie Neilson and Renee Lim.
Director Of Photography Nicholas Price
Written & Directed by Jace Pickard.

Nicholas Price
DOP | Cinematographer